Marshall started writing Guiamo over five years ago for our son William, then age 10. He never dreamed it would become a nine volume historical fantasy series. He thoroughly enjoys writing and he feels he has put together quite a compelling story. It's important as a writer to be true to yourself and write what you think and feel is the proper story. Whether anyone else likes Guiamo, Marshall does; however, it's nice when you find out your love of a story is shared.
Today, someone took the time to type a few words on Amazon. It may not seem like a big deal to them; however, others have read the story, said they liked it and moved on. This young man taking a few moments out of his day brought joy to my husband and myself. We all like to be told we have done a good job. The effort we put into our work, whatever it may be is important to us. Someone on twitter once said that they wanted to support authors but they were just not wealthy enough to buy the books. I responded that the best way she could support the authors was to write a review once she read their story. It doesn't take much time but it means a lot. It's a shout out to the world that a book is worth their time. So why not take a few moments at the end of each book you read and tell the world what you thought. It's not hard and it might make some author's day. I know it made Marshall's.